Gas is the new coal. Starting an opposition to natural gas in Poland.

Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot (Workshop for All Beings)

Gas is the new coal. Starting an opposition to natural gas in Poland.

Amount granted € 30 000
Project period 2021–2023

The official Polish energy strategy includes massive expansion of gas power plants and pipelines. This would make Poland by 2030 the EU’s third largest user of gas to generate electricity. Our country is facing a threat of decades-long gas lock-in increasing reliance on imports, exacerbating economic threats and undermining any climate protection ambitions.
Workshop for All Beings plans to raise awareness of Polish public about various risks connected to reliance on fossil gas, so Polish gas policy is brought closer to what is required by EU policy and climate science. The project has been changed somewhat because of the recent developments in Ukraine, but has still the same goal.